Ultrafast, EMV Compatible, Public Blockchain

Proof of History & EVM compatible blockchain

Open & Inclusive

Zhina Network is open source, so everyone can benefit and build up on

Fast & Scalable

When it comes to speed of transactions, Zhina is 100x faster & more scalable than Ethereum

Low Transaction Fee

Zhina has vision to address the high gas fee problem of the Ethereum Blockchain.

Proof of History for EVM smart contracts

The Zhina blockchain represents a revolutionary step in decentralized technology, offering a cutting-edge platform that addresses critical needs in scalability, security, and efficiency in the blockchain domain.
This platform is not just an incremental improvement over existing technologies; it's a radical rethinking of how blockchain can operate at scale while maintaining high security and decentralization.
Zhina’s unique architecture and consensus mechanism are designed to facilitate rapid transaction processing and broad adaptability, setting a new standard in blockchain technology.
The whitepaper will delve into the technical specifics of Zhina’s approach, illustrating how it resolves prevalent blockchain challenges and paves the way for innovative applications in various sectors.

  • Ultra low transaction fee
  • Scalable
  • S Secure

Zhina Blockchain Network

Zhina's blockchain network architecture is a harmonious blend of innovation and practicality, designed for optimal performance and flexibility.
At its core, Zhina employs a multi-layered structure, separating consensus, data handling, and application layers to streamline operations. This architecture supports a high degree of scalability and responsiveness.
Nodes in the Zhina network are organized in a unique configuration that enhances communication efficiency and reduces latency.
Each node plays a pivotal role in maintaining network integrity and facilitating rapid transaction processing.
The network's design also allows for easy integration of new technologies and protocols, ensuring Zhina remains at the forefront of blockchain innovation.
Zhina's approach to data storage and management is both efficient and secure.
By employing advanced data sharding techniques, the network can handle large volumes of transactions without compromising on speed or security.
This scalability is critical for supporting a wide range of applications, from microtransactions in gaming to large-scale financial operations.

  • Anyone can contribute a node
  • Anyone can validate transactions
  • Anyone can use Zhina

Decentralised & Secure

The Zhina Blockchain stands out for its fully decentralized and secure framework. It employs advanced cryptographic algorithms and a robust consensus mechanism, ensuring each transaction is securely processed and verified across multiple nodes.
This decentralization not only enhances security but also promotes transparency and trust among users.
By distributing data across a wide network, Zhina effectively mitigates risks associated with centralized systems, making it resilient to attacks and data manipulation. This architecture guarantees both the integrity and security of the network, making Zhina a reliable choice in the blockchain domain.

  • Consensus
  • Security
  • Scalability

Zhina ERC 20 Token

Initial Supply and Distribution
Zhina Network Project is presented by an ERC20 token on Avalanche Network called Zhina with total supply of 100 Billion Zhina on Avalanche-c network. The distribution of these tokens will be planned across multiple channels, including a public stacking, private sale, allocations to the Zhina Foundation, and to the project's developers and community initiatives. Link to Token Tracker on Snowtrace

Transition to Native Token Once Zhina Mainet is launched, Zhina Native Token will be born, Allowing a 1:1 swap of existing ERC20 tokens to native token, utilising the Zhina blockchain functionality, This event will be supported by automatic bridge and AMM.

Inflation and Staking Rewards
Zhina Network implements an inflationary model where new Zhina tokens are introduced into circulation as staking rewards. The inflation rate was designed to start high and then decrease over time until it reaches a long-term fixed rate. This model incentivizes validators and stakers to participate in the network's consensus mechanism. Validator Incentives: In the Zhina network, validators play a crucial role in processing transactions and securing the network. They are incentivized through staking rewards, which come from the newly minted Zhina native tokens as part of the inflation schedule, and transaction fees.

Decentralization and Security
The staking mechanism and inflationary model are designed to encourage widespread participation in the network's security. The more decentralized the validator set, the more secure and resilient the network becomes.

Burn Mechanism
A portion of transaction fees on the Zhina network is burned, meaning it is permanently removed from circulation. This burning mechanism serves as a deflationary force against the inflationary issuance of staking rewards. Use in the Ecosystem: Zhina is used for transaction fees and for participating in governance decisions within the Zhina ecosystem. It's also a key asset in Zhina's network of growing DeFi, NFT, and Web3 applications

  • Validate to earn
  • Secure to Earn
  • Use of Zhina smart contract will require Zhina Token

Zhina Blockchain Features

Zhina Network is aiming to bring good of 3 worlds, utility, security and maturity of Ethereum , speed of Solana with significantly lower gas fee.

Smart Contracts

Zhina blockchain supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible smart contracts, enabling developers to easily deploy existing Ethereum-based contracts on the Zhina platform. This compatibility significantly reduces the learning curve for Ethereum developers and enhances the potential for cross-chain functionality. It opens up a wide range of possibilities for decentralized applications, leveraging the efficiency and scalability of Zhina while maintaining a familiar development environment. This feature positions Zhina as an attractive and versatile platform for blockchain developers and users alike. This smart approach will allow existing dApps to port their existing source code to Zhina blockchain and run it cheaper and faster.


Zhina utilizes the consensus mechanism known as Proof of History (PoH) which has been borrowed from Solana Network, integrated with a Proof of Stake (PoS) system. The PoH component allows the network to create a historical record that proves that a certain event, like a transaction, occurred at a specific moment in time. This is achieved by using a verifiable delay function, which requires a specific amount of time to execute, thereby embedding time stamps into the blockchain's ledger. This approach significantly enhances the efficiency and throughput of the network, as it allows validators to process transactions and create new blocks more quickly and in a more coordinated manner, without relying on a communication-heavy process.


Interoperability is a cornerstone of the Zhina blockchain, enabling seamless interaction with diverse blockchain ecosystems. Zhina is designed to facilitate efficient cross-chain transactions and data sharing, bridging the gap between various blockchain platforms. This interoperability makes Zhina an inclusive and versatile platform. The whitepaper will delve into the technical mechanisms that allow Zhina to integrate with other blockchains, highlighting its potential to drive innovation and collaboration in the broader blockchain community. Bridge between existing Layer 1, Layer 2, Zero knowledge and Rollup blockchains will be developed to allow seamless flow of value between Zhina and Ethereum and other EVM compatible networks.


Zhina's blockchain leverages advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure a secure and tamper-proof network. The platform employs a combination of public-key cryptography, cryptographic hashing, and digital signatures to safeguard transactions and user data. The security framework of Zhina Network is designed to withstand a wide range of potential threats, including double-spending attacks, network partitioning, and other common vulnerabilities in blockchain systems. Zhina Network plans to use the state-of-the-art encryption methods not only secures user transactions but also maintains privacy and data integrity over network.


Zhina addresses scalability, a critical challenge in blockchain technology, with innovative solutions. It employs a layered network structure and advanced sharding techniques to manage large transaction volumes efficiently. This design allows for parallel processing and minimizes bottlenecks, significantly increasing throughput. The scalability approach of Zhina ensures that as the network grows and transaction volume increases, the system remains efficient and responsive. For more in dept technical details please refer to the technical whitepaper, it explains how Zhina Network maintains high performance without compromising security, speeed and decentralization.


Zhina Network will be Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible, enabling developers to deploy existing Ethereum-based contracts on the Zhina Network. This compatibility significantly helps existing Ethereum developers to port their dApps for lower gas fees and improved speed. It allows leveraging the efficiency and scalability of Zhina network while maintaining the existing code and extend of cross chain functionality. This feature positions Zhina Network as an attractive and versatile platform for blockchain developers. Zhina will support ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, ERC777, ERC223, ERC998, ERC725, ERC735, ERC1400 standards over time.

Be part of the future

We are always on hunt for smart, dedicated and focused core blockchain developers, join us on github.